Creating Community

Creativity is not a solitary endeavor; it requires the nourishment of community and collaboration.
— Ken Robinson

Much of my work centers around community and creativity, two things which I am very passionate about!

I love working on projects that bring people together through music, art, creativity, communal learning, and shared experiences.

Creating community experiences is something I have done throughout my career, but has recently become a large focus in my work.

To that end, I am currently building a new community for the creatively intrigued called Creative Becoming.

Creative’ Becoming’s purpose is to build relationships between artists and enthusiasts of all levels and types, and to deepen personal and collective relationships with creativity and the arts.

My work in community building and the efforts of Creative Becoming continues to evolve as I learn about both myself as an artist and leader, as well as community members and their needs and desires.

For the most up-to-date information, follow @creative_becoming and sign up for the newsletter.

Current Projects

once more, with feeling is a most monthly newsletter that invites collaboration, connection, and a sharing of ideas and thoughts about music, creativity, and community. Currently the best way to stay actively involved and up-to-date with all events and community experiences, my newsletter is a labor of love that includes creative ideas and resources events, and offerings for creative inspiration and communal experiences.

Chill Choir is a new adult choir in Philadelphia created for people who want a fun, low pressure creative outlet and place to sing with others. Removing typical “choir barriers” like time commitment, experience, musical ability, and financial burden, this choir is meant to be a CHILL way to experience communal singing. Sessions run by season and meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at the Perch in East Kensington. We meet, chat, snack, and sing!

Monthly Open Mic is a unique blend of artistic expression and community—an event that warmly welcomes humans from all walks of artistry. Whether you're a opera singer, instrumentalist, aspiring pop artist, songwriter, poet, beatboxer, novelist, storyteller, performance artist, or an avid listener and lover of the arts, this is your space to learn, share and connect.

The Perch Music & Arts Studio is a new Philadelphia home for classical and new music, art, community and connection. Co-run by a collection of talented and community-driven artists, this space is home to many events that I produce or help produce within my growing community.

Upcoming Events

Want to get involved?

Intrigued? Inspired? Have a idea for strengthening this community of creatives, artists, musicians, students, and friends? Please contact me with questions, ideas, or just to connect and get involved!